3 Signs In Your House That Would Tell You That Your Sewer System Needs Repair

Most homeowners in the Denver area rarely think about their sewer line until it’s too late. What most homeowners don’t realize is that sewer systems play an important role in the day-to-day functions of your home. Sewer line problems tend to begin from inside the house when people throw the wrong stuff down the kitchen sink or toilet. Thus, in the event of sewer line problems, even these fixtures are affected. Repairs will also be expensive, on top of the hassle sewer line problems bring to everybody in your home. This is why regular sewer line maintenance is essential, especially if the system is located on your property. To determine if your sewer system has a problem that needs fixing while it’s still early, here are the three things you need to look out for:

1. Outdoor signs of sewer line problems

Clogged and leaky pipes in your sewer system will manifest outdoors in the form of soggy patches and weeds in your yard. They are indications that something is amiss beneath your yard, which is where your sewer line is. Wastewater will also cause weeds to grow faster and thicker in some areas of your yard, particularly near the damaged pipe. If you think you have a sewer line problem based on any of these signs, you should call a plumber as soon as possible.

2. Indoor manifestations of sewer line problems

Since all your house’s drains are ultimately linked to your sewer line, any problems in your sewer will inevitably affect your drains. Signs of sewer trouble indoors include debris and muck flowing back up the drains, frequent clogging of multiple drains, and water draining very slowly, if at all. You should also look out for strange noises coming from your plumbing fixtures or walls, regardless if there is water flowing in them or not. If you encounter any of these manifestations, call a professional plumber for help. They will know if the signs are indeed caused by problems in the sewer line or if they just happen to affect individual pipes. They can help you find the best way to repair your damaged line.

3. Undesirable odors

Rotten odors frequently emanating from the drain is another sign of sewer line problems. Such odors come from the bacteria and chemicals found in wastewater, and if you smell them, you need to have your sewer line fixed as soon as possible.

Prevention and maintenance: the key to taking care of your sewer line

Tree roots can damage your sewer lines and so can things like tissue paper and toys if they are forced down the drain. The best way to avoid costly repairs is to prevent damage from occurring in the first place. Don’t plant a tree near your sewer line. Make the kids in your home understand that toilets are something they shouldn’t play with. Lead by example through proper disposal of waste, including food scraps and toilet paper. Also, have a professional plumber conduct regular maintenance from time to time to rid your sewer lines of chemicals and deposits.